  • Paints / Middle layers
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Paints / Middle layers

The selection of a coating system for a specific situation should preferably be based on experience from the use of the system in similar cases. The durability of the system is of course also linked to the chemical and physical characteristics of the system, e.g. the type of binder and the dry-film thickness.The intermediate layers of a coating system that give the system thickness are materials that must have good mechanical strength and resistance to the operating environment.
Product Name

Epoxy Paint EP 65

The epoxy varnish EP-65 is a two-component composition that ensures good adhesion, stability to aggressive environments, good physical and mechanical properties, good decorative properties. It is produced in different colours.
Product Name

Epoxy paint EP 85

Used as a thick intermediate coating for outdoor use and finishing for indoor use of various metal and concrete structures even at low temperatures. 
Product Name

MIOX epoxy paint

Used as an intermediate layer in the protection system including primer and finishing coat.
Product Name

Silicone paint

It is applied for coatings of metal, concrete, wooden and copper surfaces. The coating has high weather resistance (at any climatic conditions), water resistance, temperature and cold stability (-40 to +400оС). The silicone varnish is applied on prelim...
Product Name

Epoxy vinyl varnish

used for external protection of metal and concrete installations in closed and open areas.