  • Repair and Protection of Concrete
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Repair and Protection of Concrete

A large number of reinforced concrete (RC) structures are deteriorating, often prematurely, and need remedial measures to reinstate their safety and/or serviceability. Consequently, the need for repair and protection of concrete structures has grown considerably in recent years. While costs associated with repair of deteriorating concrete structures can be substantial, costs resulting from poorly designed or executed repairs may be even higher. The technical and economic success of repair projects depends on a range of factors, including a proper condition assessment of the structure, design and execution of remedial measures, and design and implementation of maintenance strategies.
Product Name

Epoxy Compound EP 35

Epoxy COMPOUND EP-35 is used as a filler and sealing composition for filling metal and concrete surfaces. In the mining industry - as a sealing material in crushing machines.
Product Name

Composition G

It is used for plastering metal and concrete surfaces, as a sealant between metal surfaces.
Product Name

Epoxy injection resin

For closing, sealing and bridging dry cracks and cavities. Restores the structural integrity of concrete, brick and stone foundations.