  • Coatings for concrete

Coatings for concrete

One of the main fields of activity of Chimatech includes scientific research, pilot tests, production and commercial activity of protective coatings for concrete against wide spectrum of aggressive media. We can supply our customers with entire concrete protection system starting from the primer, then middle payers and finally suitable topcoats. 



If you wish to make an inquiry or consultation, please call tel. +359 882 52 66 42 or email us at


Enamel varnish or paint is а coloured opaque substance that is used in protective or decorative coating on concrete, metal, glass or ceramic surfaces. The most important properties of an enamel lacquer are adhesion, hardness, elasticity, permeability, ...
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Varnishes are mainly used as finishing coatings in a paint and varnish system.The lacquer coating is a coating layer obtained after drying of a varnish applied to a base. The formed layer is characterized by density, elasticity, impermeability, mechani...
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Quilting and puttying are preparatory operations that involve filling, leveling, and smoothing out irregularities on surfaces with a putty or putty before applying the coating system. Quilting and puttying is done by applying coatings on rough and unev...
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Adhesives are substances or mixtures of substances that have good adhesion to homogeneous and heterogeneous materials. The adhesive property combined with good cohesion, elasticity and strength of the adhesive layer (film) formed between the contacted ...
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Our concrete coatings are based on epoxy, polyurethane, silicone, vinyl ester and polyvinyl butyral.